Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a tool of the modern law firm. AI systems are used in the legal field to perform legal tasks such as practice automation, legal research, and document analysis. A number of legal research companies have created brief analysis tools. As you consider electronic legal research providers, you should evaluate a vendor’s brief analysis tool to see how it fits in to the legal research workflow for your firm. Your information professional plays an important role in evaluating these tools to determine the best fit for your firm.

Casetext launched the first AI-based brief analyzer in 2016. This tool, named Casetext CARA A.I., was designed to analyze an opponent’s brief to determine which authorities and arguments were not included in the brief. It also functions as a final check on an attorney’s own brief to ensure nothing was missed. Many smaller firms have adopted this product.

If your firm is already using Westlaw Edge from Thomson Reuters, you have access to Westlaw Quick Check as part of the platform. Westlaw Quick Check is integrated into the Westlaw Edge platform, so it can be utilized as part of the research process.  An attorney can upload a brief, and Quick Check will identify relevant cases which are not already in the brief. To remain useful and efficient, Quick Check delivers a focused set of results in a report format with only the most relevant findings offered.

Firms considering the new Lexis+ platform will have access to Lexis Brief Analysis. This product works like the others where an attorney drops a document into the tool and receives a dashboard result which indicates missing cases, case recommendations, and Shepherd’s analysis of cases in the brief. Note that this product is not included in the regular Lexis platform.

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Bloomberg Law has released a tool called Bloomberg Law Brief Analysis. As with the products from Westlaw and Lexis, Brief Analysis is integrated into the Bloomberg Law product. After uploading a brief, the tool displays the brief and the analysis side by side. Bloomberg Law integrated dockets into the product, and the suggested content and analysis delivers results after scanning millions of briefs to provide recommendations.

Brief analyzers have a useful place in legal research. Consider that the researcher should have extensive knowledge of the issues and that users are expected to refine with filters and keywords. Librarians can guide the review process at your organization and help with decision-making and training to maximize the use and value of these innovative products.

H/T to the American Association of Law Libraries 2021 conference program, Brief Analyzers: The Next Level of Bots Doing Legal Research, for the speakers’ review of brief analyzers and the comprehensive case study.

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