2020 has been a tumultuous year, to say the least. You probably know someone who has contracted the virus or has been affected by it since it has permeated society. One upside is that the virus may have better prepared us for potential new challenges, but we now need to get through this challenging time and try to get to a new version of normal.

Because of the virus, there may be no going back to the activities we associate with the status quo or pre-COVID normalcy. Many of us miss going to our favorite restaurants, going to a movie, or taking trips. At restaurants you may find yourself in a stiff wind or colder weather, sitting at a table that was not meant to be outside. Maybe a silver lining to this is the money you are saving by eating at home. But it could be that you are not the best cook and your home-cooked meals do not quite compare to the restaurant standard. The wearing of masks has also spawned the growing of the beard phase. It appears a good percentage of men now have a beard, probably because the mask means you do not have to shave.

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While there are a multitude of financial pitfalls with the pandemic, there are some financial wins for the average business office worker. These include not having to buy or upkeep your business clothes while you are at home on video calls, saving money on getting those outfits cleaned and pressed since no one can see them, and not having to spend extra cash every day on lunch and coffee since no one sees you at home snacking. Also, we save on parking expenses, gas, repairs, and the wasted time spent in traffic.

One of the big things that is missed is family gatherings, like large weddings, birthday parties, and other holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving, all transformed in 2020. Safely enjoy the extra time afforded to us with family and children. In the interim, let us all look forward to pre-pandemic activities again in 2021 as we find a new hybrid normal.

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